PRONTO Stimulants is Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded study that aims to develop an effective toolkit of adaptations to help post-overdose programs better identify and engage with people who use cocaine or methamphetamine. The project focuses on Native, Black, Latino, Hispanic, and youth populations because those populations are disproportionately affected by cocaine or methamphetamine – involved overdose deaths in the United States and are not historically reached by outreach programs. Frontline staff members of the eleven POST programs funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, met in focus groups to develop this toolkit. Their insights were translated by the research team into more than 20 toolkit adaptations. After dissemination and implementation of the toolkit items, we will conduct qualitative interviews and surveys to assess the effectiveness of these toolkit items and their implementation. The findings of this study may be useful in guiding and informing the design and dissemination of cocaine or methamphetamine-involved overdose follow-up outreach in communities across the country. (Multiple Principal Investigators – Dr. Sarah Bagley and Dr. Alexander Walley at Boston Medical Center)
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